Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Pig Called Cow.

There is a new addition on the farm.

 Meet COW!
She is a Yorkshire Mulefoot cross.
She's Going To Be Huge!
I know what your thinking, it's pretty messed up to call your pig, COW, but this name is only temporary. The name will stick with her just long enough for the family to come up with one that suits her, until then she's Cow. Why Cow you ask.. Well my little cousin Joey doesn't have much farming experience and so when he saw the goats on the farm for the first time two weeks ago he called them by the only name that seemed right to him, the only name he could come up with from his short life experience... they have four legs, a tail and they eat grass therefore it must be a Cow. Eh, people call their cows Hamburger and their pigs Porkchop so if they can get away with that, I should get away "flack free".

Three other additions will be arriving later this evening, baby geese. I'm told that these little cuties are still in their down which is grey in color, I figure that they are African grey, well know for sure once their feathers come in. You can't really trust what the people say at the auction house.

Four Guineas will be arriving tomorrow afternoon, possibly more. I have four on reserve, from Sandy in Spring Hill, but I never can tell how many my husband might come home with. If he can talk Sandy into a good deal for a bulk order he might just take them all, you never know with him.

Well that's all that's new on the farm today.
Happy Mother's Day To All You Farming and Blogging Mommies!

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