Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's So Bright, Gotta Wear Shades

Cow got a sunburn. Yep, that's right a sunburn. I didn't even realize that could happen to a pig, but it did. I don't know why she allowed herself to get burned, I assume she fell asleep in the sun and just didn't realize she was taking on so many rays.  She's got a nice igloo dog house full of pine shavings she could have spent the day lounging inside. She also has a mud hole she could have flopped into and a 3x1 foot trough filled with fresh water that she could have cooled off in.  There was no sensible reason to go tanning. We are either going to have to rub her down with sun tan lotion everyday or she's going to have to get smart about the effects of over exposure and stop purposefully laying out in the sun.

The baby geese are ridicules, they walk on the sides of the water bowls and continuously tip them over. Their water bowls are made of thick black plastic with wide flat bottoms and in all the time I have used them for goats and dogs I've never had any of the animals manage to flip the them over. But these geese all stick together so if one is sitting on the edge all three have to and it doesn't take long for them to get the job done.
Luckily I don't have to worry about them over heating because the kiddie pool is always kept clean for them to cool off in any time they like.

I have gotten my first glimpse of a possible harvest. I have three squash about 1-2 inches long growing inside the garden. I hope more are soon to make an appearance because I love making a summer squash salad with italian dressing. It's cool, crisp and very tasty on  a hot summer day. The ingredients are below. It's easy to make and you only have to boil the squash for 2 to 3 minutes.

2 c. (2 med.) sliced 1/8 inch zucchini
2 c. (2 med.) halved lengthwise, sliced 1/8 inch yellow squash
1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. basil leaves
3/4 c. italian dressing
1/2 tsp. minced fresh garlic
1/2 c. sliced 1/8 inch red onion, separated into rings
2 med. ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges

I have seen a few peppers but the rabbits keep running off with them, I think I'm going to have to put a fence around the garden. I didn't want to but these little buggers are thieves. Anytime something starts to ripen I head out to the garden the next morning and it's gone. Especially the strawberries. Not a single one has made it to "fully ripened" all season.

The incubator has been doing pretty well. Right now in the smallest chick nursery we have 17 baby chicks and the 6 guineas we bought from Sandy this weekend. On the back porch we will have our cute little duck, he's alone as none of the other ducklings has successfully hatched but everyone is showing him so much love that I know he's going to be an awesome pet and act more like a dog then a duck.

Poor Logan got kicked out of the rabbitry and he's on the back porch now too. Anytime that he's near Velaney she kicks up the biggest fuss and starts mouthing off and stomping her large feet. I guess he has really  overstayed his welcome as far as she is concerned. It's to early yet to put the nest box in her  hutch but I'm really looking forward to bunnies!

And that's what's going on .... Down on the Farm....

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