Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Malfunction Junction

Very disappointed today. An egg in our incubator was hatching last night when I went to sleep but when I awoke this morning although the hole was bigger, the baby chick was not free of the egg and had passed on. I don't understand it, the chick was fully formed, the incubator was full of water and the temperature was correct. What could have caused the death of a baby chick that was peeping and fighting it's way to freedom just hours before. The other chick that was hatching appears fine and is fluffing out quite nicely. Although we understand that your going to loose chicks from time to time, it always bothers me.

Cranky Duck, II hatched out earlier this week. I didn't say anything on the blog because he/she was born with it's insides outside and we weren't sure he/she was going to survive, but it's been three days and I'm certain we have managed to save this duck. The "insides" were sucked up inside the body, the duck is a lot stronger, it's eyes are open and it is quacking and walking now. I can tell that the duck will most likely always be weaker than the other ducks but that just means my children will have another favorite to add to their collection of PETS, unlike the other hatchlings, this one will receive a name and live the rest of it's life out here on our farm.

One of Big Buffs ladies has gone plum stupid all of a sudden. For the last few days she has entered the (hung) nesting box face first and left her rear end outside in the sun. Almost like she is roosting on the edge of the box. Then she is laying an egg and allowing it to drop three feet into the dirt below. The eggs are not breaking thankfully (are they made of rubber?) but what is this ladies problem? In all my days raising chickens I have never seen this type of activity before and it's more than slightly annoying.

Velaney (the rabbit) has bred with Logan. Logan has been very serious about getting the job done since they have been together the last few days but I think Velaney has had just about enough of his wild and wooly ways. Now every time he goes near her she is kicking up a fuss and telling him off. So I guess it's time for Logan to Get Out! I'll be looking forward to baby rabbits 31 days after their first breeding, roughly June 1st, although we will place a nesting box inside her cage the week of the 22nd just encase the babies come early. I hope Velaney is a good mother. It is her first breding and she will be a young mother. It is our first potential rabbit litter on the farm since 2005 and I'm very excited, thirty one days is going to feel like an eternity

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