Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whoo Hoo - The Kids Are Headed Back To School.

This summer has been full of challenges. Three members of our immediate family have faced various medical complications and spent time in local hospitals. A dog got into our duck pen, and we lost almost all the ducks and the eggs keep disappearing from the chicken coop. I think that crows are taking off with the eggs but I can't say for sure.  At the very least I can say with some certainty that the culprit is an animal that flies; because the goats do not stand for anything "strange" to be inside their pen and have no trouble horning anything that doesn't belong there.

The children started their new elementary school on Monday 8/22/11 and although things will probably be a little shaky and unscheduled for the next week or two, I will be able to carve out time to write about what is going on down on the farm. I've missed not being able to write about the exciting adventures of owning a farm. It's not like anyone follows this blog, but by charting our farming experience we can learn from our mistakes and have something to look back on and share with our family and friends.

Cow has gotten So Big. It's amazing now much she has grown in just a few short months. We love her. She is incredibly smart and greets us at the fence every morning.  She also makes a fairly good watch dog as when anything unusual goes on out in the back field she is an incredible alarm system.
My only complaint is that she is showing signs of boredom. Yesterday she picked up her water trough; (a heavy duty plastic cement mixing pan) and slammed it down repeatedly, cracking it up. But oh that wasn't enough for her, she then jumped into the pan and pushed at the crack until the crack gave way and became a six by six inch hole out of which all the water once contained inside flowed out of and promptly flooded her pen.    Way to go Cow..... Another $15.00 down the drain... What shall we attempt next?  There has to be something you can not destroy!

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