Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where O' Where Is That Farm Girl?

Anyone who is secretly reading this blog may have thought that I disappeared, but I haven't; I promise. My husband and I get one weekend alone together each year. This usually takes place the first or second weekend in June. Typically we take this time to go to a disabilities convention, The Family Cafe, started by Florida's previous governor Jeb Bush, 13 years ago. (Jeb in my opinion is the only BUSH worth a damn, because he cares about those who can't help themselves - the elderly and the disabled - and about peoples interests other than his own.) Anyway, this year due to personal financial constraints and budget cuts by Florida's current governor Rick Scott to programs for people with disabilities, we were unable to go.

Instead we had our oldest son work the farm and we took off to The Portal Hotel and Marina in Crystal River, which is about 30 minutes away from our home, for a little R & R. It was good to just get away and reconnect with each other. Nice to be far from the hassles of the everyday and not have to get up at 6:00 am to feed the animals and water the garden but still be close enough that if there was a problem we could get home quick and in a hurry.

What wasn't nice was what happened during our trip. Saturday I started to develop a sore throat, by Sunday (the day we arrived home) it hurt to swallow, Monday I couldn't eat anything except soup and ice cream and by Tuesday I was ready to rip my own throat out. Everything hurt and I couldn't even choke down the noodles from Chicken Noodle soup. My husband was at work and I had to have my mother come and get me and take me to the hospital. The ER said I either had Strep (bacterial) or Mono (viral), & that they were treating me for both, so heavily medicated I was.

I spent the next few days in bed, taking my meds and on Thursday ... Bang ... Woke up to my entire face being swollen and my eyes sealed shut. I freaked out, called my sister, Kim, who came and got me and took me back to the hospital. Turns out they think I had an allergic reaction to the medications that they gave me to fight off the first stuff.  So I got a bunch of fun intravenous medications and scripts for three more bottles of pills from the pharmacy and was sent home a second time. Hurray for miracles of science! Whoo hoo!

Needless to say, it's been 9 days since my last hospital visit and I'm still exhausted, lethargic doesn't even begin to cover it. I don't feel like myself at all but my voice finally returned to me two days ago. This weekend I have begun very slowly and carefully working on the farm again. Just watering the garden and feeding and watering the rabbits, while leaving the rest for someone else to do.  I think it's going to take a while before things get back to normal around here. Thankfully it's summer time so I have 3 out of my five children here everyday to help make sure things are taken care of semi-properly.

So that's what happened to farm girl... Going to spend some time now adding new pictures to the blog and relaxing at my desk.  Got to go "Get Er Done".

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